
In line with the ERME Manifesto, the aims of the Summer School are:

  • To let people from different countries meet and establish a friendly and co-operative style of work in the field of mathematics education research;
  • To let people compare and integrate their preparation in the field of mathematics education research in a peer discussion climate with the help of highly qualified experts from various research areas;
  • To let people present their research ideas, theoretical thoughts, methodological approaches or problems, and preliminary research results, in order to get suggestions (from other participants and experts) about possible developments, different perspectives, etc., and open the way to possible connections with nearby research projects and co-operation with researchers in other countries.


An all-inclusive 7 days full-board accommodation (from August 13, afternoon, to August 20, morning) is provided at the Study Centre. The conference fee is fixed to 400 €. This fee will include accommodation with breakfast, all meals and coffee/tea as well as an excursion.

There will be a possibility of some scholarships for participants from European and non-European countries who demonstrate the need for such support (depending on ERME contribution and other contributions). Allocation will be decided according to the needs and the funds available. In principle, it is expected that participants will first seek support from funding organisations in their own country or the countries of their study.


Programme committee: Paolo Boero, Jason Cooper, João Pedro da Ponte, Susanne Schnell, Konstantinos Tatsis, and Naďa Vondrová. The role of scientific coordinator is assumed by Paolo Boero.

Local organising committee: The local organising committee consists of Naďa Vondrová (Chair, nada.vondrova@pedf.cuni.cz), Jarmila Novotná (Vice-chair), Veronika Tůmová, David Janda, Gabriela Novotná, Miroslava Brožová, Vladimír Bílek.

Scientific staff: Six leading experts in mathematics education are invited to contribute to the Summer School by giving lectures and taking part in the Working Groups. Moreover, Discussion Groups will be led by several experts.


The maximum number of participants is 72.  There is a selection process for those who register in time.


The arrival day is 13.8. The programme will start on 14.8. 9.00 and end on 19.8. in the evening. The departure day is 20.8.

According to the successful experiences of the first seven European Summer Schools and its participants’ final suggestions, the programme will include:

  • Six 45-minutes Lectures given by the invited experts (with additional discussions with the lecturer, prepared by small group discussions) - see below.
  • Sessions in six parallel Thematic Working Groups (20 lessons in total). The Thematic Working Groups will meet every day (at least once). They will start from the participants’ papers and will address (amongst others) the following “leading questions”: How to choose research problems and research questions? How to refer to and use existing literature and frame one’s own research? How to construct an appropriate research methodology? How to position theory in one’s own research? How to identify, present and interpret research results? How to disseminate research findings so that they have real impact in schools and society? Specific attention will be paid to each participant’s own special needs.
  • Two 90 minute Discussion Group Sessions: They will be devoted to topics of common interest – possibly including the above “leading questions”.
  • Two 90 minute Informal Discussion Group Sessions: They will be devoted to issues that are relevant to individual YERME participants’ needs, self-organized by YERME.


Accepted participants will be invited to present one from among the following three kinds of papers, according to the situation of their studies and research work:

  • A presentation of preliminary results (with essential information about theoretical framework and methodology); or
  • A presentation of research work in progress (research questions, theoretical framework, methodology, aims...); or
  • A comprehensive information concerning personal graduate studies and/or re-search plans.

Papers should contain between 1 000 and 1 500 words (4 to 6 pages long). They will be distributed (according to thematic criteria) in different working groups and circulated before the Summer School.


The papers of participants as well as the experts' papers mentioned above are being uploaded to the shared Google Drive about which all the participants have been informed by an e-mail.

Experts' lectures (please click on the name of the expert to download the abstract)

Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs: An epistemic action model: How it has been gained and used.

Dani Ben-Zvi: The Challenge of Studying and Developing Students’ Statistical Reasoning In Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments

Tommy Dreyfus: Conceptualizing High-school Calculus

Viviane Durand Guerrier: Logic and mathematics at university level. Teachers' practises and students' difficulties

Tim Rowland: The Knowledge Quartet

Naďa Vondrová: Ability to notice or professional vision of (future) mathematics teachers


The proposed topics for the 2016 Summer School are:

1. Teacher knowledge and practice; teacher education and professional development (Tim Rowland, UK)

2. Teaching and learning mathematics at primary level (Naďa Vondrová, CZ)

3. Teaching and learning mathematics at secondary and advanced level (Viviane Durand Guerrier, FR)

4. Information technologies in mathematics teaching and learning (Dani Ben-Zvi, IL)

5. Cognitive and affective factors in learning and teaching mathematics (Tommy Dreyfus, IL)

6. Theoretical perspectives, linguistic and representational aspects of teaching and learning mathematics (Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, DE)


How to get to Poděbrady from Prague

Map of important places for YESS in Poděbrady.

Trains from Poděbrady to Prague on 20.8.


Ability to notice or professional vision of (future) mathematics teachers